Ensure the cleanliness in the swimming pool that there will be no germs in the pool
It’s no surprise that many people have a chlorine allergy after going swimming. Most symptoms depend on the concentration of chlorine that the body gets into Symptoms range from weakness, headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, vomiting, and include germs. from those who swim together such as urinating into a swimming pool which we have to admit that almost everywhere causing us to get germs through the mouth can cause various diseases such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. Exposure through the respiratory system such as entering the mouth/nose or through the skin, such as into the eyes, it often causes irritation as well. Therefore should prevention of infection in swimming pools
How to care for and prevent disease infection in swimming pools
Follow the rules that the swimming pool has set strictly, such as
- Always take a shower before entering the pool.
- Use a standard swimming pool have good water treatment There is a caretaker on a regular basis.
- Choose to swim in a pool that uses less chemicals or use an alternative system for wastewater treatment.
- Should not let water enter the mouth, wear waterproof goggles.
- Do not share clothing or personal items of the pool. You should prepare your own personal belongings.
- When something goes wrong after swimming, you should immediately consult a doctor and refrain from playing in the water during this period

How to care for and prevent disease infection in swimming pools
Follow the rules that the swimming pool has set strictly, such as
- Always take a shower before entering the pool.
- Use a standard swimming pool have good water treatment There is a caretaker on a regular basis.
- Choose to swim in a pool that uses less chemicals or use an alternative system for wastewater treatment.
- Should not let water enter the mouth, wear waterproof goggles.
- Do not share clothing or personal items of the pool. You should prepare your own personal belongings.
- When something goes wrong after swimming, you should immediately consult a doctor and refrain from playing in the water during this period
Can help reduce germs in the swimming pool