Reduce turbidity, suspended solids and organic matter in water
Case Study: SAMYANG, SOUTH KOREA. River water is filtered for use as coolant in the system. Use AFM® to reduce turbidity, suspended solids and organic matter.

Company name : Samyang
Location: South Korea
Year : 2012
Title : River water filter for coolant tank
Target : Turbidity, Suspended Solids and Organic Reduction
Capacity: 180 cubic meters/hour, 3 tanks
Water source for treatment: surface water

- Shortage of good water resources
- River water contains organic colloids.
- Cooling water tanks are treated with high concentrations of biocide to reduce the accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae or animals on wet surfaces.
- The coolant tank is treated with high concentrations of chlorine to reduce the number of bacteria.
Technical solutions:
- River water is filtered with AFM® No. 1 and No. 0 and then transferred as coolant to the 3 coolant tanks.
- Therefore, biocide and chlorine supply levels are significantly reduced in all coolant tanks.
- The levels of colloids and suspensions were significantly lower than those below the permissible values.
Variant | Required Value | Before-Treatment | After-Treatment |
Turbidity (NTU) | < 5 | < 10 | < 0.5 |
Ammonia Nitrogen (PPM) | – | < 3 | < 1 |
Microbial content determination (CFU/ml) | < 1,000 | < 10,000 | < 100 |
Aqueous suspension (PPM) | < 2 | < 12 | < 0.2 |
CODT (PPM) | – | < 30 | < 1 |